We know looks aren't everything, but it's good to have them just in case, especially if she's the bride to be.
A fairytale wedding dress. That's something every bride dreams of. It is also something that can send the most composed brides helter-skelter. Designing and creating beautiful matrimonial dresses is a wonderful ambition to have. After all, a career related to nuptials never goes out of trend. The question is, do you fancy being the one behind the perfect wedding dress?
Take your creative sketches to the next level with our certified Bridal Costume Designer course. Designing wedding dresses takes a rooted foundation in art, fashion design, sewing, along with the acquisition of specialized skills to create a collection of elaborate bridal gowns, sarees, other Indian and western bridal dresses. Our in-house faculty of ultra-talented designers will drape you into the world of bridal dress collections, photo shoots, trousseau preparations, marketing and design techniques to reach your career goals. Moreover, you will acquire the art of drawing the human body, preparing you for anatomical sketches. Yes, we will have you designing sparkly wedding gowns for the gorgeous bride and the occasional red carpet look for celebs that are all about the dazzle.
The Event Town fashion design program awards professional internships supervised by fashionista professionals at prime retail chains, and weddings as personal tailors or custom stylists. To top off the ensemble, our students will be trained to create their very own bridal collection and style a personalized dress based on the latter.
Say goodbye to stumbling around with great ideas that don't make it to the cover of the latest magazine. Come join us as we explore a career in fashion design, and find out how designers turn a sketch into a full wedding dress.